Sunday, January 29, 2006

Wassup doc'?

Yeay!! It's time to take a look to the Hangzhou Museum of Traditional Chinese Medicine!! I will finally learn more about the very well known natural healing methods. As we are full tourist blended humans, we got in the museum by its way out and started our visit with the "take care" shop. At least, they are selling some real stuff in here: plants and parts of animal bodies! And the prices are the funniest thing to see: China, the country where you have a delicious meal for 4 euros - China, the country where you can buy crappy plant roots for 53700 Euros. Okay Hangzhou's citizens are known to be rich, but who would buy these?

Click the picture and take a good look to the price

What can a tourist possibly think about the root healing? Here is my thought path:
  • What the hell??
  • How did people find out about healing properties of roots?
  • Do you take a bite every time your back hurts?
  • Maybe you have to put some in your tea!
  • ..or up in your *ss?!?!
  • How many people died trying to uproot this on high mountains?
  • Shall I tribute these people and take a picture?
  • "Click!!"
  • Sir!! Taking photos is not allowed in here!!
  • .....Don't you worry, I won't blog this picture, I swear.
Roots are so expensive, you'd better not spoil the recipe. Whatever, lets have this museum tour..

The first part counts the historical and cultural aspects of traditional Chinese medicine. How did Chinese people study the nature and discover its power. What was the influence of occidental medicine on Chinese knowledge. How did the trading
with the entire world thing begin. Many interesting information aim to enlighten the tourist's apprehension concerning the mystic Chinese medicine.
The second part of the museum is made of for more concrete items. A dozen rooms exposing jars full of animals, rocks, plants and their legend which more or less look like this:

Rana Temporaria Chensinensis David
Effect: nourishing lung and kidney

Okay who the hell are Lung and Kidney?? can't they eat by themselves? Whatever, legends you cannot understand without an encyclopedia. The section awakes your brains imagination area though. During one hour, I built scenarios of how did Chinese people discover the benefits of these exposed items. It could have gone like "Hey, how should I use this Rhino horn to feel relaxed?" or "Go catch that monkey and we'll figure out what to do with it later! Oh by the way, grab the dead pigeon laying near by the tree over there, and bring it to me on your way back, I have an idea..".

I felt like this is not the kind of museum enjoyable by anyone. Scientist or plant passionates would appreciate the knowledge exposed in here. I enjoyed my own imaginary Chinese traditional medicine.

Grab your bags, jump on the train, move to Suzhou..

1 comment:

Sky and Earth said...

this article is very interesting..I love it...and advise everybody to enter to those sites and read in depth . Absolutely different approach to human body..concept is amazing..why that root that expensive.....because it is 5000 years old and coming from such a depth...I bet price is justified..keep posting on that to hear local people opinion about it and how they see all these...