Monday, February 27, 2006

I'm gonna tell your parents!

This is about me and my anger towards EPITECH.

EPITECH signed up a contract with DLILI, the university we are hosted by in Dalian, China. Proud of their job, EPITECH administration members had some reporters come and see what's going on in here and do some ad. The main argument of EPITECH's pride was:

This is the very first time French students are in a total immersion in China. Our students will share their room, have class and live with Chinese people during 10 months.

Let me tell you what is really going on here in Dalian. We share our room with Chinese people and have Chinese friends. That's about it. We take two main different classes: computer science and Chinese. The computer science class is the most boring thing ever. Imagine that you are in classroom, you have a computer connected to the Internet in front of you, and the teacher is Chinese and barely speaks English. We have been self-studying computer science for 3 years now, and these guys want us to focus during 3 hours on what the teacher is trying to explain. Do we have homework? Sure we do. Install Oracle on Windows 2003 Server, make screenshots and describe step by step the procedure. Uninstall Oracle and do that screenshot thing again. Now, install Linux and apply the same procedures. Oh and as so you know; now that you have uninstalled Oracle, install it back because you’ll need it for the next class. Sweet lord teacher, are you having fun wasting our time or something?
Reader, if you wonder what is the meaning of “install Oracle”, it consists on clicking buttons, as if you were installing MSN messenger.

Thus, I skip the useless computer science class.

We have Chinese classes, those are hen you yisi (very interesting). We talk a lot, we read a lot, and we learn 50 new words each week. We get to practice our Chinese as soon as we are out of the classroom. And I finally started studying seriously my Chinese writing, so everything is cool.

Last thing we have to do here is the monster called PFE. It is the end of studies project we must develop and promote during our last two years in EPITECH. Such an important thing requires a lot of time, especially the research and discovery part you have when you start a new project. The time we spare for the PFE is kinda doubled because of the low bandwidth-not working on Sundays-non existant on week days Internet connection we have.

I am done with our weekly schedule even though I did not say a word about the “get out of school and discover China” thing.

So what am I mad at? This week, my so loved school EPITECH sent a threatening letter to our parents explaining that they are not happy about us missing class. They can “cancel the exchange program and bring us back to France at anytime” if we don’t consider the program seriously.

For gods sake, are you guys dumb or what? How do you dare sending such a letter now? First, you cannot manage mixed classes with Chinese people, thus you completely fail your contract. Then, after three months that you’ve sent your students abroad, you notice they are not even registered to the French embassy of China. You have no idea of what is going on here, you cannot even come up with an adequate grade system. Do you even have a clue of how much time it takes to learn 50 Chinese words?
On top of it, to all these arguments you reply “EPITECH just settled this student exchange program, it cannot be perfect”. Hell with you.


Sky and Earth said...

you have a point there but this is the first time so everybody is learning do better next you dont worry as parents we are very happy and proud of what you are doing over there...keep going ..your experience that you are gaining there , will be a gold mine for the rest of your school has to trust their students....

Julien said...

It has nothing to do with rebellion. I am sick of this school having such a shitty organization on the one hand, and trying to appear so serious on the other hand. I mean who are they sending back to france, who are they kidding? I'll suscribe to a local language school for 7 months and they'll get the finger.

Anonymous said...

BAM ! :)